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Writer's pictureJasmine Fitze

Self Development Throughout the Pandemic

The pandemic brought out a side to me that I never thought it would have. I see more of my life from a different perspective and appreciate the big or small aspects of my life.

So there's this question of did it change me for the better? Did it change your life in any way? Have a little think about it whilst you take in the rest of this blog.

Going back to the very start of this pandemic which has been pretty much two years ago, I was not in a good mindset, it all hit me big time and I'm sure it was like this for everyone if not most. It affected my university studies and as a photographer, trying to get industry experience and carry out my practical work proven to be harder than I imagined. On the other hand, with my work, I was on furlough and didn't lose my job which I was very grateful for.

A lot of the plans that I had for 2020 completely went out of the window such as the concerts that I got tickets to go to and see the Vamps and New Hope Club. The other opportunity that I was most gutted about was not being able to go to Camp America for three months. I had my heart set on going traveling and working in America and for that to not happen, I was filled with so many emotions because I knew the circumstances of the pandemic and completely understood that, but then, on the other hand, I was so excited leading up to it. I also couldn't get any work experience for my photography as part of my university modules because of people working from home, and struggling as it was with taking new people on or sorting out work experience people.

There were a lot of pros and cons, but at the end of the day, I had a proper think about this and I feel that I had a more positive outcome from this pandemic, which I wasn't in the mindset to think about during the first part of it. Having a positive mindset was more important than ever because I know for a fact that If I didn't change that, then I could continue life as I was, but I wouldn't have been living it to the best that I dreamed of.

This pandemic has taught me a lot of things, which some of the examples are as follows:

  • I focused on building my freelance photography by working on my website and keeping that up to date, as well as adding things to it to enhance the quality of my site. Involving more of my lifestyle content creating on there and having my blog page there gives you a more personal approach to me. Branching out to make the most out of my photography. I found more love in interiors as during the lockdowns you were restricted, so I had to work with what I had.

  • I completely changed my personal Instagram which was rarely active and made it into lifestyle content creating an account where I express my love for food, places, coffee, interiors, and my unique lifestyle. This I am forever grateful that I pursued because I have made so many connections, found more love in my interests, and it keeps me busy which is a key thing for me.

  • I am working on a better mindset and mental health by speaking up more about my struggles when they come about and doing something about it. I originally started my lifestyle content account on Instagram to share positive quotes and life lessons, which not only help me to cope, but I hope that sharing these will help others as well. I still do this to this day, plus other things. I want my online presence to be a safe space for all, and not only upload content that I want to show, but share content that I believe in that my audience should know about.

  • I got into a new hobby of home workouts. I used to go to the gym when I was younger, but I much more prefer to do my workouts at home in a space that I feel comfortable in and not so anxious. I've been getting into Lilly Sabri's workouts and omg, do they make me feel so good about myself. I honestly think it's like having a personal trainer right there with you, she's amazing! I have quite recently got into walking. Not too far a walk, but a little something to keep me busy and active during the days. I'll do either one of these or both if I have time.

  • I got closer with some people that I didn't speak to that much before the pandemic. It made me realise just how important it is to check up on your friends and family and to be kind to one another because we are all in this together and we will get through this. It only helped me grow in confidence and get into a routine of checking up on people or just having a chat with someone even if it's on social media.

  • I worked on myself and what I want in life. I was a lot of the time relying on people to do things with such as going shopping, going to the cinema, going on a city break, or whatever it may have been, and it wasn't helping me develop my self-confidence. What I am saying is that it is okay to not always do things with people and to make plans on your own because why not, whos stopping you from seeing your favourite band, or going out for a nice meal, it's not them, it's you. Make the most out of your life, do what you want to do without limitations, and you can find those times to hang out with your friends and family.

Overall then, I would say that as difficult and heartbreaking this pandemic was for all of us, it got more of the good out of me and built me up for success towards my life and career goals.

I hope you have some things to look back on from what you were before the pandemic, to what you are now, whether it's big or small achievements, the fact that you have gotten through a pandemic, you should be incredibly proud of. There is always time and another day that you can make things better for yourself. Life is not a race, it's a journey and whatever you have planned out or even if you are taking each day as it comes, I am proud of you, and I think you should keep going.

33 views4 comments


Thank you for sharing this. It's great you've taken positives from a very negative experience. I'm glad you've developed strategies to cope mentally. I feel better now I'm more in control of my anxiety.

Jasmine Fitze
Jasmine Fitze
Dec 21, 2021
Replying to

That's okay lovely, I'm glad I got round to sharing it, and I appreciate you coming across this blog post. I'm so happy that you are coping a bit more with your anxiety, onwards and upwards from here :)


Izzy Matias
Izzy Matias
Dec 20, 2021

It has been a challenging two years because of the pandemic, but I'm glad that you were able to work on cultivating a more positive mindset. There are so many things out of our control and the only thing we can really control is our reaction. I also had a tough time with the pandemic, and it brought out a lot of worry and anxiety. It also made me realise that it's time to work on a better mindset, so I started going to therapy to be able to help myself. I enjoyed reading the many things you were able to achieve especially in terms of your goals & your freelance photography. I miss going to concerts too!! I also…

Jasmine Fitze
Jasmine Fitze
Dec 20, 2021
Replying to

Thankyou for taking your time to read through this blog post. I'm glad that you can relate to this too. I'm happy that you are going through life with a more positive mindset, and looking after yourself through these difficult times. I recommend trying out Lilly Sabri's workouts. She has a variety of short and long workouts if you want to start off easy and work up, or if you have a bit of time in your day that you want to make use of.

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